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Shakey Graves-Dearly Departed

Mood Monday.

If you haven’t heard of Shakey Graves, you will.

His new album hits on October 7th and it is going to be BIG. I  have shared his music before (take a look) and I have a feeling, I will share it again and again.The song today, “Dearly Departed” is about ghosts. It makes me think of moments in time that remain long after they are gone. I have a few of them. Moments that shaped me, stayed with me, and are forever branded in my mind. Some are joyous and beautiful, some are tragic and difficult. Well, and some of those moments are just doggone perplexing.

Somebody asked me the other day, did I plan to be where I am now, doing what I am doing, and living where I am living? I had to think about it.

The answer is, no.

Somehow my life just happens to come up, as it comes up. I really didn’t plan out the college I wanted to attend, dream of my wedding day, or what my work life/career would be. I simply dig in and live into the moment. Cliche as it might sound, it just so happens that one moment leads to the next, and over time a path is formed. Are they accidental paths or really just predestined and out of my control? I don’t know, all I know is I have no regrets. So far, my life has been full of great joy and I have only experienced a few ghosts that I have to look square in the eye and be strong for. Sometimes, I am convinced those ghosts show up for a reason, perhaps it isn’t a haunting after all, but a serious moment of renewal, cleansing, and patching of old wounds to begin again.


I am beginning to feel a chill in the air, and my sweet dogwood tree is beginning to have the crimson edges to it’s leaves that signal a change in season. My favorite season of all is fall. This is the time I can watch football, cuddle up in a soft blanket and still enjoy my porch, and yes, begin again. This season reminds me to look forward, shed the parts that need shedding, and store my harvest of memories for the harshness of winter.

Fall is a subtle reminder of impermanence. Nothing is forever, things are always changing, and we just have to learn to adjust and look for the beauty in those changing moments. Yes, the beauty is there, go on and seek it out it with me.

So, embrace those crazy ghosts, shed a bright flashlight on it, and stomp your feet and sing! Listen to Shakey Graves. He might just put a spark in your soul.

Shakey Graves – Dearly Departed (feat Esme Patterson) by Dualtone

Here’s the scoop on his concert schedule, don’t miss him.


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