Beautiful Fools-Small Town

31 Days of Music

Day 9

Have you ever been stuck? Limbo, perhaps? I am not sure what direction I should be going in any more. I know this blog feels right, and I am blown away by all the people listening and following . Thank you. Even with a lot of positive stuff in my life, I feel like I am at a crossroads and I don’t know the direction I should be headed. My career has changed, my interests have changed, even my home that has brought me so much joy, well let’s just say that it needs a major overhaul as well. I am so very lucky that I have supportive loved ones who take me just as I am even when I pout. I guess they understand that it is human to have good and bad days, or just “questioning” days.

That is why I really like this new submission, “Small Town”, from Beautiful Fools. The A & R Department from Australia sent the submission, and in the promo, they wrote that the band said “the featured single “Small Town” is about being stuck in a time of life or situation that you know you need to get out of but can’t quite find your way. It could be a job, a relationship or for me it was the small town I lived in with no way of fulfilling what I wanted to do. You know it can be done and you will get there and if you stay where you are, your dreams will fade and you will end up someone you didn’t want to be.”

This explanation helps remind me that I am not the only person who feels this way. I can totally relate.


Beautiful Fools is a three piece, indie band from Adelaide, Australia. They are Matt Harris on guitar,  Shawn Whittaker on bass, and Leigh Wilson on drums. The song, “Small Town” starts off soft and dreamy, but then builds in it’s approach to the soothing lead vocals. I admit that I don’t know much about Australia. After looking it up, I found out that Adelaide (see pic from Google images) is the capital of South Australia, so it must not be a very small town. I speculate that Beautiful Fools are truly fulfilling their dreams in that big city and now pushing beyond. This thought makes me so happy.


As the world continues to move faster and faster, I am okay with my limbo for now. For today, I want to think, dream, and listen to this lovely song again. Listen for yourself and check them out on Facebook.

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