Panda Bear-Boys Latin

Mood Monday, on a Tuesday….late again!

Yep, this song is my mood for sure. Right here, right now, no matter what day it is.

The song, “Boys Latin” is rhythmically soft and echoey, with a surprising punch of chill interest. It is a chant of beautiful voices and leaves me calm and collected.


Considering my day of being surrounded by multiple fender benders, angry drivers, and frantic package senders, this song sends me to a calm level of tantric sweetness and is perfect for a playlist that needs a calm variation of sounds. I imagine my music to be similar to my food palate. One type of food, all of the time, would overload my senses and overpower my tastes. I believe it is the same with my musical choices. This kind of soft, subtle music captures my attention and never gets old. This song is timeless and soothing and perfect for the crazy world of Christmas procrastinators.

Yep, me included.


May you experience the beauty of the chant and chill of Panda Bear. Be still in the music and close out your worries and fears.

Panda Bear is experimental electronics at its finest. Noah Lennox, born in the US, resides in Lisbon, Portugal and was a founding member of the band, Animal Collective.


The name Panda Bear came from his illustration for his first recordings. With four previous solo albums, as well as a formidable creative life with Animal Collective, he certainly has earned serious accolades. This latest release is another incredible accomplishment of sound and continued experimentation. More power to him!


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